Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Korean secret for glowing skin

Korean Secret for Glowing skin

Glowing and fair skin an important part of Korean skin care routine. It is my favorite skin care routine but then also I don't do all the steps because they have many steps in their routine which starts from cleansing, Toning, moisturizer cream etc. One after the other they apply many things so I don't have that much time and think so you too. We are like if we do cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

We say that we have done a super job after so much time we have included serum in our skin care routine and on that if I tell you that you have to include something else then you will go mad but never the less. If You can make it with yourself and can include in your skin care routine and get the most out of it. So today I am sharing something which you have to guess giving you a hint it is not a serum. It is something which have to be used before a serum. If your guessing it is a toner then it is wrong, it is used after toner but before a serum. So it is an important part of Korean skin care routine called as essence.

If you will try it to get it from a market, you have to pay a good amount but what I have made is very cheap and can be easily made in home and it is very beneficial. So the ingredients used in this are skin whitening ingredients which are used in skin brightening, for age spots, dark spots, pigmentation reduction and to enhance skin appearance.

It is very helpful in anti-aging which gives an extra hydration to the skin because of which it glows. It us very simple and light weight. You will feel like it is water and it is not oily. It is very light weight as compared to serum. You will feel like water on your face and it is very beneficial.

Please do share the result of this in the comment box. However, let us see how to make this but before like and share blog with your friends.


Ingredients of Essence:

Water                        2 cups

Licorice powder       2 tea spoon

Rose water                4 tea spoon

Green tea                  1 bag

 Glycerin                   1-2 tea spoon


To make this essence, for this take 2 cups of water in your pan, boil it then take aside 1 to 2 table spoon water in another bowl then with the remaining water, add 2 tea spoon licorice powder. Licorice powder is amazing ingredients of skin whitening cheapest and beneficial skin whitening ingredients. You will notice this product in many skin whitening serum and creams. So with this you can make your essence also. This is very helpful for changing your overall skin texture after adding 2 tea spoon of licorice powder make sure you boil the mixture very well till the time it becomes half of the quantity. Now take a green tea bag remove the mixture from the bag and add it to the remaining water which we take out from the bowl initially. Keep it aside for some time when the licorice content becomes half remove it from the flame. Now the green tea mixture which have made mix it well and add that mixture to licorice powder mixture then keep it aside for it to become cool. 

With the help of a strainer, strain the mixture as shown in the picture as it has some powder and green tea leaves. Now add 4 tea spoon rose water then we will add 2 tea spoon glycerin if you have oily skin add 1 to 2 tea spoon of glycerin, mix very well. So this is homemade essence ready.

You can store this in a container, it is not necessary to store in a pump time bottle. You can store it in any bottle before using shake very well. Take some amount of it in your hand how much you want for your face. After washing your face and if you apply toner

after that you can apply this. It is not necessary to take cotton hands are enough.

Benefits of Essence

  1.       It has basically water like texture.
  2.         It is very helpful for pigmentation, melasma, hyper pigmentation.
  3.        Make your skin bright.
  4.         Make your skin tone light

Pros of Green tea, Glycerin and Rose water

Green tea which we have used, it is loaded with anti-oxidants which protect your skin with free radicals. For anti-aging it is too good. Glycerin used for extra hydration, rose water is for toning your skin.

I have applied it to my hand also. You can watch the difference over there so guys this was my homemade on essence. I know that after using this you will get a good result. So please use this and share your result with me in the comment box.

If you like remedy, share with your friends and for all this homemade remedies visit my blog daily.

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